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Supporting Rivendell

Development Philosophy at Rivendell

Rivendell School relies on a variety of philanthropic methods to thoughtfully utilize volunteer time and talents, supplement budgets, and keep existing fees and/or tuition at reasonable levels.  Rivendell has developed a number of parent volunteer-driven fundraising programs that are spread throughout the year.  These methods are designed to provide a maximum amount of return for the least amount of effort from our families.

Most of the money we raise goes directly into our general operating budget and is used as directed by our Board of Directors. Some money goes to specific projects or programs.  All of what we raise together helps ALL of our children by ensuring that we have the needed funds to run our wonderfully unique school AND guarantee its future success!

Philanthropy at Rivendell: Sharing Talents, Resources & Time!

Some key features of our Rivendell development effort:

    • Helps keep Rivendell strong
      By investing our combined talents, resources, and time, Rivendell’s parents and alums help keep our school’s unique academic offerings strong for future generations: Growing into the Future!!
    • Helps teach the concept of philanthropy
      What better way to teach philanthropy to our children than to model for them the variety of ways to give back through the sharing of our skills, time and resources?
    • Helps keep tuition low
      The money we raise each year allows Rivendell to keep tuition and fees at a reasonable level.
    • Benefits every kid
      All of the money we raise helps Rivendell accomplish special projects and purchase items not covered in our regular budget.
    • Will not “nickel & dime” families
      Many organizations have on-going projects that are labor-intensive and dollar-poor (bake sales, car washes, etc.).  We limit our fund raising to projects that produce high dollar returns and require the least amount of energy.
    • Inside and outside fundraising
      Some of our projects are geared to bring in funds from inside of our Rivendell community, that is from our current families and alums.  Other projects are designed to bring in outside dollars from people in our communities at large. None of our projects are designed to deplete family resources.
    • Easy menu approach
      Because we have six areas of fund raising projects, parents/alums can choose to participate in the projects that they find interesting or that best fit their schedules.
    • Is a volunteer activity
      We hope all families and their children will help Rivendell by participating in at least several projects each year.  However, participation is strictly voluntary.