Rivendell Middle Kids

News for Monday, March 23rd

So here we are in the final stretch of the school year! It’s hard to believe we only have 9 weeks of school left and still so much to teach and learn. We hope you all had a relaxing, fun break and are ready for this busy time of school.

We will be finishing up our unit on the American Revolution with a brief study of some of the battles, focusing on the long winter at Valley Forge and will end this unit with a look at our Constitution. The students will also have a recitation on a major person from this period of history. Please look in the homework folder for more information about this.

On Thursday we have our annual Egg Drop. Kids are encouraged to create a container to protect a raw egg when dropped from the top of a fire engine ladder. The event will take place at 2:30pm so please stop by for the fun.
_full_central egg drop1
On April 24th the Middle Kids will be taking a field trip to the Denver Aquarium. We will travel by chartered bus and spend most of the day down there. Since we have small classes this year, we will only need 2 chaperones plus teachers from each class. We have found that this gives us perfect sized groups where the kids can enjoy each other’s company and still be a manageable size for the adult in charge. If many parents offer to chaperone, we will need to draw names. We are including a permission slip in the homework folder. Please complete this and send in the $10.00 as soon as possible. We would like to figure out our chaperones by the end of March.

** Please remember to come in and sign up for a time for a spring conference. Sign-up sheets are posted outside the classrooms.