Riv Alert

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Individualized instruction and learning is one of the cornerstones of Rivendell School.  It remains one of the defining reasons that parents, teachers, and students view Rivendell as an attractive option for preschool and elementary school in the Fort Collins area.  At Rivendell, the curriculum is developed differently for each individual student with their unique personality, needs, academic levels and learning styles in mind.  There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and accommodations for the special needs that students may have are built into our processes.

Starting with the youngest ages, Rivendell students receive the support and guidance necessary for academic success and social-emotional development. To build a solid foundation and love for school, students are encouraged not only to explore the magic of numbers and words, they also participate in project-based exploration of the school-wide science and social studies units. Our curriculum is enriched with the inclusion of specials classes: art, music, physical education, Spanish, German and technology. This variety of classes gives every student a chance to find activities they like to do and at which they excel. The unique talents of Rivendell students are truly given every opportunity to shine.